23 April 2005

A night full of firsts.

I went out for the first time tonight. Seeing as it was my first time the guys thought they would show me "the sights". Needless to say, I have never seen so many beautiful women in my life. And I mean really really beautiful. Also for the first time in my life the beautiful beautiful women were all freaking over me. Usually I go out, have a couple of drinks, make an ass of myself while trying to be smooth, and go home. Here though, oh man, I don't know how to put this. . . the challenge here, is to not get laid. Where as you would usually have to try to get a girls attention, here you have to try to get them to leave you alone.

I was on water as I had to take my bike to the bars we went to. Later though, I discovered that just because people take their bikes does not mean under any circumstances they don't drink. They do drink, a lot, and then watching their painful attempts to get on their bikes and get them started at the end of the night kind of lightens the feeling that you really don't see them making it home alive.

I spent the whole night jaw open, trying to take it all in. There is nothing you can't see or do here. We went to an after club and -sober- I made it through to six in the morning. . . sober . . . stone cold sober . . . man it was a long night.

Seeing as I tried to take in a whole torrent of information in one night I'm still not sure what to make of the nightlife. I know they tried to shock me, and in some ways they did. I expected everything I saw, but knowing about it and seeing it are two different things.

If I learnt anything that night it is this.

The subtle art of the chat up has been lost. And romance is dead.