15 April 2005

A question of customs.

This Wednesday I leave. Finally, after all the waiting and work, it?s nearly time for me to go. But now a question.

Do I take all my training supplements with me on the plane, or post them.

Let me explain.

To post them costs a lot. And I mean a Lot! It will be close to £100 to get it all over there with registered post. I wouldn?t want to use anything less than this as if it gets lost I?m stuffed, all for an extra twenty quid.

To take them in my bag may mean a very stressful questions and answers session with the Thai authorities as I try and convince them that the kilo?s of white powder I have in my bag are Not Drugs!! That they are Legal, and that I don?t want to spend the rest of my life in Prison!

And so I have to ask myself, am I overreacting, and I?ll be ok going through customs with completely legal substances, receipts and tamper proof containers; or should I just post it.

Most people think ?oh just take them through you wimp, you?re not doing anything wrong.? However, these are not the same people that have to take part in a sit down chat with Thai customs officials.

That, unfortunately, would be me.