04 June 2006

Because of the pain.

Conversation I had with my doctor yesterday

On Monday I will close the wound. I will use a general anesthetic and then on Tuesday you may go home.
Ace! Do you mean a local anesthetic, like when I came in, with needles.
A general. You're going to put me to sleep.
Yes, I will have to.
Because of the pain.

Aaaaallllright then.

Honestly don't know where to start with this one. This is the doctor that on my second day in here did away with anesthetic when cleaning the crap out of my wound. He pushed plastic tubes into my face, digging them deep into my jaw, with little or no regard for this previously mentioned 'pain'.

Now, when it comes to closing it up again after 8 days of prodding and probing, he wants to knock me out completely. He doesn't want to numb my face and get to work, he wants me out cold. Like a slab of meat.

If I've learnt something in my time over here, it's that Thais are hard as nails. I mean, these people don't complain, they don't moan and they sure as hell don't make a big deal of a little thing like pain.

So when he goes straight from no anesthetic ( this may hurt a bit but get over yourself ) to knocking me out (this is gonna hurt like hell and I don't wanna listen to your white ass crying for half an hour) I feel I'm quite within my rights to be ever so slightly concerned. Although not that much, 'cause lets face it, I'm gonna be sleeping like a baby through the whole horrid process.