05 June 2006

Gotta love the drugs.

I love general anesthetic

I've only had it twice, but both times I've thought it was awesome.

I like the way your arm goes numb before you go under. I enjoy the challenge of trying to think ?I'm going to go under . . .NOW . . . no . . what about NOW . . . no . . what abou?

Before they knocked me out they said I'd be kept downstairs for an hour after I woke up just to keep an eye on me. Can I remember any of that. No. Can I remember the journey back up to my room. No. Can I remember getting back into my bed. No. Can I remember getting changed. No.

I can't remember getting changed, but I'm almost certain that I did do that myself. I have a vague image of me getting dressed, but I can't pinpoint when it happened. The first thing I remember is trying to make myself a coffee and managing to get most of the coffee, creamer and sugar on the table rather than in the cup. How I didn't burn myself with the hot water I'll never know. After that I remember a nurse coming into take my blood pressure and looking at the mess I'd made. I pointed at my head and made swirling motions with my hands, international sign language for 'crazyness'. She seemed to get the message, and after doing her stuff, made me another coffee.

Ahhh, bless.