28 June 2006

Red Shoe Diaries.

As usual over here when I go to training regularly, my feet get all soft on me and start shedding skin as if a new, bigger foot, is trying to get out. This means I'm left with all sorts of raw parts on the soles of my feet from the running and bouncing around in the ring. Not one to let this stand in my way I went out and bought a bright red washing up bowl so that I could soak my feet at night in salt water to dry everything out.

I went to the chemist to buy some Epsom Salts but, to my avail, could find none. There was however, something that looked like it might do the same. I took it up to the counter, showed them the scars on my knuckles, explained that I was going to soak them in water with whatever it was that I was holding, and asked if it would help. They assured me it would, so I bought three packs and headed home.

I put a film on my laptop, put my feet in the bowl, poured some water in, added a packet of the powder, splashed it around and settled back to watch some second rate thriller with Vince Vaughn and John Travolta.

After the first half it became painfully apparent that the film was complete toss, so I turned my attention away from that, and towards my feet.

Now the bowl I had was bright red, so it passed my attention that when I added the powder to it, it turned the water bright red, it also passed my attention that it was slowly turning my feet red. It passed my attention so much that after an hour of thrill-less thriller, my feet had turned quite the shade of rouge.

I jumped in the shower hoping that a firm scrub and warm water would fix this problem.


Luckily it wasn't a bright bright red, it was more a strong burgundy. But whatever colour you want to call it, it isn't a colour that you want your feet to be. After scrubbing away with very little success I conceived that I might just have to wait until it wore itself off naturally. Up until that point though, I would have to wear shoes instead of sandals, which would soften my feet up again, which would cause more blisters and loss of skin, which would mean having to go through all this again. Not a route I particularly wanted to take.

I needed to do some shopping anyways so I put some shoes on and headed out to the supermarket. As I was buying vests, shorts and rubbing alcohol I saw something and immediately hatched a plan.

A kitchen scourer.

Now I know what some of you might be thinking. You might be thinking. Wardy, did you not try this in your second year of University when you dyed you forehead, ears and neck blue? And did you not end up with horrendous burns on your forehead, ears and neck from the experience? And did you not learn from that?

Well it would seem that I did learn, because this time I was a LOT more careful.