06 January 2004


I used to have a problem with Christmas. I used to be in the "too commercial" camp, but not anymore. I was looking at Christmas this year and have decided that it isn't commercial enough. Yes it may make people spend more money than they have, and yes we may be getting further into debt, but why are we doing this? We do it to make our friends and families happy. Parents want to see their children smile when they open their presents, everyone wants to put on the biggest meal and of people seem unhappy then everyone does their best to cheer them up. It must be the only time of the year when the layman cares about a complete stranger and when people in stupid hats smile at each other in the street. We make city centres light and appealing places at night, we have community gatherings and those in need are helped more than otherwise.
So what if Christmas in commercial, we all sucker for it and it makes us better people.