12 January 2004

Every now and then, the days dont like me.

The first day of term is over.

What a disaster.

I got my first piece of coursework back today. . I bombed it. I don't just mean I didn't do well. I failed this coursework with everything I had to fail with. I failed it, then got a mark and lost it just for the hell of it. I failed as badly as you would if you used a Molotov cocktail as a fire extinguisher. As starts to the year go, this one sucks.

So after the humiliation of my coursework I went to get a baked potato. . . . . and the baked potato can was not there. . . . so I went to get a hot roast pork baguette. . . . and they had run out of pork. . . .so I got two spring rolls.

Not the same.

Not even nearly.

Now I'm at home and the boiler has gone so we have no hot water. That's good, I'm only in the attic and we are only going through the coldest and worst storms in the midlands for ten years!!!

Oh world, how thee mock me.

But hey, I did buy a new bag today, it was less than half price.

Woo. . .ahem. . hoo.

This is a pic of what Dave is doing at the mo. . . . Damn Jews have all the fun!