19 January 2004

Have you heard the one about the students who froze to death??

Hey guess what everyone, THE BOILER IS STILL BROKEN!!!!!!!

Oh the hilarity of actually spending a week in January without central heating or hot water. The people on the end of the phone are soooo very polite. . well that can be cant they. They are sat in warm offices, go home to warm houses and have hot water. I went into university early today simply because I knew it would be warmer than my house. I have showered at three different peoples houses, I have taken to wearing 4 layers, I am glad my mum buys me jumpers when she goes to Castleton, I started drinking hot squash, I can no longer remember what Monty looks like, when I shiver in bed it makes so much noise I have to wear ear plugs, my sense of humour for the whole situation is waning, I have lost the ability to sweat, Tom has fallen ill, you can see your breath in Rons room and the Ice Queen has eloped from Narnia to use my wardrobe as a holiday home.