17 January 2004

Typing with gloves on. . . a new skill is born.

Once again the students of this world are left to suffer in shitty accommodation with no heating.

I was assured by the woman on the phone yesterday that someone would be round to fix our boiler. But funnily enough . . and this is the bit that really makes me laugh. . . they never showed!! Oh the hilarity of spending yet another night and day slowly freezing to death.
I called again today but they are not holding out any hope of it getting fixed until next week. I did talk to the emergency engineer and he said if the guy with the parts has not been by four thirty today he will come and try and do a botch job to get us through the weekend.

So its another day of putting the oven on 250 degrees and leaving the door open to try and defrost the lounge. Another evening of sitting wrapped in a duvet and another night of feeling like I'm camping cause I'm wearing all my thermals. You gotta love university life.

Luckily I wont be feeling the cold tonight as I'm taking deliver of a brand new beer jacket. Its arriving at about 8 and if the labels are to be believed it will keep me toasty right through the night. Here's to Chimay Blue!!

On a much happier note I made soup again yesterday and it was lovely. Maybe a little too much carrot and apple, but I'm slowly getting there. The market rules, I got two bags crammed with veg for only two pound forty one pence. If it wasn't for the overriding smell of fish that permeates the place, I would go more often.