21 November 2003

1,2,3,4, my hippy chant is sure to bore.

Some of the better placards on display in London,

Nuke is Puke!

We need Trees not Bush!

Fuck Bush.

And so the bandwagon of protest rolls out again to give dolers something to do on a weekday other than not have a job. Thousand upon thousand of people waltz down to London to compare a simple yet powerful man to a dictator who has systematically killed hundreds of thousands of his citizens by testing his weapons on them. Is Bush the worlds number one terrorist as some dirty dredlocked hippy would have us believe, well I think after only a nuance of rational thought we can safely say he isn’t. But hey, don’t let that get in the way of us making an effigy of him so we recreate scenes from the war that we are all protesting about. Yes, what better way to protest about a war than to act parts of it out. While we are at it we could offend Iraqis by mocking their groundbreaking act of freedom and liberation after a lifetime of oppression, oh oh, my mistake, we just did.
I could go on but I’ve already had my say on protestors when the war was ACTUALLY on. What war are these people now trying to stop? It’s over. Let it go. You lost.

As much as I don’t mind Bush, I think the whole “security� thing is a bit out of hand. It’s good to see that we are not letting terrorism rule us by only employing the population of a town to protect one man. Yes the terrorists sure are laughing, that’s now 4 million more pounds we don’t have to fight them.
While we are on the policing discussion I have a little fact for you. 14 000 police men in London for this circus, 11 000 troops in Iraq. Go figure.

On a lighter note does anyone else think that Bush may have just had a hand in the fact that Michael Jackson was arrested right in the middle of this visit. Hmmm, let me think, an unpopular trip that is attracting criticism and the worlds most famous and news worthy star gets arrested for child abuse again . . . . . coincidence???