05 November 2003

Well I'm not getting any sleep tongiht. .

. . . and not for any of the fun reasons either!

Yes its bonfire night again and while politicians moan that people are having too much fun with explosives I have to sleep under a velux window and be woken approximately every fifteen minutes by a flash of red light and a boom so loud the neighbours cats haven’t crapped in our garden for a week.

Today I learnt the difference between hunger and famine and why just because there may be millions of people starving to death you cant class it as a famine. I then spent the afternoon looking at pictures of malnourished children and read a very refreshing article by Clare Short. Due to this article I will never read the Independent – not that I ever have – but they were having a real go at her without actually looking at what she was saying. Go Clare Short, my new favourite politician.

I have been listening to Speechwriters LLC almost non stop for two weeks now. If you haven’t already downloaded their stuff you have got to do it. I’ll put the link up again. HERE IT IS, and you have got to listen to them. If you like a dude and a guitar playing some awesome ( I’m not afraid to use that word ) tunes that you have got to get it.
There, I feel I have plugged them enough now.

I have two days to think of a question for my Independat Study, I’m thinking along the lines of “What steps can aid agencies take to improve the personal security of their staff?� So far I’m still deliberating but seeing as I have to have my proposal in my Friday I had better get my finger out.

Tomorrow I’m going to try and go charity shopping. We have discovered that Coventry is an untapped resource of charity shops that are actually quite good. I haven’t yet found a 70’s style brown leather jacket but I’m keeping my hopes up.

I leave you with the statistic that I have now fallen down my stairs zero times while drunk and four times stone cold sober!