23 November 2003

A weekend in the worlds ass.

And as the weekend draws to a close I have to look back, hit my forehead with my hand and ask the eternal question. . . Why???

I used to love weekends as a kid. You know what I think of them now. I think they suck. And do you know why I think they suck. Because whereas before a weekend was a time to go grass sledging or BMX'ing, back when BMX'ing meant more than hanging around with a group of dope smoking layabouts and trying to look cool, weekends were a time for getting grass stains in clothes and 10 pence mixes. Now they are for getting work done and doing your washing. This weekend has consisted of me catching up on the work I was meant to do last week when I was ill. It hasn't been a weekend at all. It has been an extended week. I did watch the rugby, that's it, I watched rugby, then I worked. Bummer.

So tonight I stopped work at seven. I have had enough. I'll catch up tomorrow. There must be more excuses. I need to do my washing.

Tomorrow is the first day back at the gym after a week off. I bought some more protein stuff today so I'm all psyched up for the week ahead. I have been toying with the idea of going every morning before uni but I don't know what I would do with the two extra training days. Maybe I could hang around the bench press and regale stories of how much I used to be able to lift before I broke my back. Hmmm, then again, I reckon to pull that off I would have to put on 200 pounds and grow a beard first.

Have I mentioned before that I hate this city. Well I hate it more now. One of the guys I live with got grief last night while walking home just because there were more of them than there were of him. How badly can people suck? I might write a letter to Germany and ask them to finish what they started.
It's raining at the moment as well. I hate this city more when it rains. It gets slippery and smells.