16 November 2003

Heel Toe, Heel Toe, Step Step Step Change.

There I was Saturday night, all ready for a night in front of the telly when Rich come in the lounge and goes “Hey Wardy, wanna go to a barn dance?� This was admittedly quite unexpected but after a small amount of deliberation I decided that a nice barn dance was just what I needed on that lonely Saturday afternoon.
We piled into the taxi when it arrived and on the way there were discussing how much Richard fancies CJ from The Westwing when we turned into an industrial estate. Now we didn’t have a clue where we were going and to suddenly find yourself in an industrial estate when the cabbie obviously knows we have no idea where we are going is a little scary. I had vision of robbery at gun point or a gang jumping us as we got out the cab. Luckily for us it wasn’t nearly as bad as that and it just happened that the place we were going to happened to be near the Jaguar plant.
So we went inside and nervously looked around for people we knew. There were none.
This left only one option, the bar. If we were going to get set upon in the middle of knowhere we may as well do it with a belly full of beer.
As the minutes passed people finally started arriving and we felt a little more at home.

Then the fun started.
A barn dance, it really does sound like the lamest thing a bunch of students could do. But you know what, it really was fun. We danced all night and it would be very true to say that our course owned the floor. We whooped, clapped and stamped the loudest. We danced the best and although some of the people there didn’t seem to be getting into the spirit of things we definitely made the night for a couple of old dears who got to dance with in excess of a dozen “young things�.

I remember as a kid being dragged to barn dances and hating it, then when my bro had one for his wedding it looked like fun – although I was on crutches so didn’t get to dosie doe – and now I love them. We are thinking of organising another one for ourselves in an actual barn, with hay and everything!!!

Barn dances, it doesn’t matter if you cant dance, everyone looks stupid.