04 November 2003

Evening all.

I cant work in the evenings. I'm meant to be working right now and I just cant. I don't know what it is, I get distracted really easily. During the day I'm not too bad but as soon as I've had my dinner its all systems shut down, kick back and relax. I think I'll have to stay in university till later as while I'm in I don't mind working, its just the moment I get back home that all enthusiams in lost.
Luckily for me I'm up at 7 every morning anyway so its looking like a few early studying sessions will be on the cards.

I got another piece of coursework today which I have three weeks to complete. I think I'm gonna do it this weekend so if I don't I'll post it on here and you can mail me telling me what a slacker I am.

This Friday its my hijacked birthday party and I cant wait, bought myself a liter and a half bottle of Grolsch today to celebrate with even though I don't like larger!!