08 November 2003

The Frech dude. . . . . . . . ?

Well I’ve just been to see the matrix and . . . . . well. . . . I dunno. I left feeling like they should have just stuck with the first one. To start off, Music. What went wrong here. The first film had an amazing sound track. It almost re-wrote how music in films should be used. The music took a good film and made it legendary. Then Reloaded came along and you get all this wishy washy chanting rubbish, and now Revolutions is here and its all big choirs and organs. Where are the heart rate increasing, speaker wrecking, ear bashing tunes that we came to love. Where is the bass line that rumbles through your body and makes you believe that while listening to this music you too could jump off walls and pull of a spinning flying high kicking thing. There is nobody in the world who can now listen to Spybreak without imaging themselves as a whacked out ninja. All we got from the last films was a feeling that Moses had just parted the sea.

Which brings me nicely on to the BLATENT Christian imagery. I mean, I don’t mind if they wanna use it but could they have not tried to be a bit subtle. We had the crucifixion, the fact that the devil owns the world, free will, there was probably some to do with the French dude as well. Yeah you remember the French dude, who fits in WHERE??? The architect HUH, the traindriver WHAT, and don’t even get me started on the kid who isn’t old enough to be in the army “The war is over� . . repeat . . . repeatedly.

I don’t mind a complex film but if they are gonna set up questions they could at least answer them. Crazy superhuman powers in the real world, what do you mean you don’t get it.

I must admit there were some nice touches, the Neo/Smith fight was quite cool, some nice touches like the dust blown up under them when they fly around a foot from the ground, very Manga, very nice. Using the same “Big Hit – Both fly back – Shock wave� time after time, not nice.

So basically don’t watch it. there are better fight scenes in the first film, better set pieces in the second and better music in Spice World.

However, I did have a party this weekend for my birthday and it was sooooooo cool. There were loads of people there and I had such a fantastic night I wanna do it all over again. There was fire, fireworks, drink, food, marshmallows, bad wine, good music and the best company you could ask for. Sorted.

Well as much as I would like to stay its getting late and I need an early night more than that kid needs to stop shouting “The war is over!�

Everything that has a beginning, has an end.