28 November 2003

A wee dram.

A nice quite coffee after a day of hard work turned into a crazy night out in 4 bars and 4 takeaways last night. I had been working in my school since 10 in the morning and as 6:15 rolled along me and the only other person crazy enough to still be there - a girl called Sam - decided we would go and get a celebratory coffee.
As we were stood at the cash machine we realised that the pub was closer so we popped in there instead. Then we went around the corner to try some Belgian beer,then we decided to go to the nicest bar in Coventry, then on the way home we met some of the guys from the course and got dragged in to another pub!! What hardship!!

Man I love my course. I have not been on a night out yet where I haven't bumped into someone I know.
Oh yeah and the four takeaways got us from pub to pub with a portion of chips and a pizza on the way home. Classy!