12 November 2003

When Scrabble turns nasty.

Well what a great couple of days it’s been. My time of trying to like whiskey is over. After making myself chug down two bottle of Jim Beam in the quest to look sophisticated I finally managed to acquire a taste for the proper Scottish stuff. Talisker is my new drink of choice, its just soooo nice. Taste like liquid smoke and it’s the drink that just keeps on givin’. You think it couldn’t warm you any more and then it starts moving through your head after warming the entirety of your throat. Fantastic, give me more.

Played Scrabble last night – random I know – and managed to make up a story as we were playing that contained the words “alien�, “scroata � and “cloned�. You can kinda guess what kind of night it was.

Tonight is about the fourth party I am having for my birthday, its going out and getting crazy drunk then dancing like a maniac night. Should be good. The only problem is that due to the complete lack of decent clubs in this god forsaken city we have to go to a dive called “The Phoenix�. Still its cheapo student night and they don’t seem to mind doing requests so if all goes well they will play an eclectic mix of metal tunes and I wont be able to use my neck in the morning!