05 May 2004

Speakers are the greatest invention ever.

The highlight of the week so far has been visiting a sewage farm for my degree. It started off a bit kooky ‘cant believe I’m actually visiting a sewage farm’ quickly got boring ‘this place smells of shit! ’ and ‘Have you dropped one?!?!’ then just led onto the plain bizarre ‘we have a Japanese rose garden to attract wildlife as otherwise it would all be dead in a hundred years due to climate change’ . . . So what with the tedium of people who are more than old enough to know better making poo joke after poo joke and laughing about it every time, combined with wildly inaccurate facts, the day just dragged a bit.
I lie, the day would have been bearable, the jokes. . . sorry. . joke, dragged.

Ever watched a wasp that has been trapped inside for about a week really slowly fly towards the window time after time as it slowly gives way to death.
That was what my lecture this morning was like. I left after an hour, the pain was too much. The blatant disregard for my education was evident in the lack of both preparation and enthusiasm from the lecturer. The people next to me played hangman, I drew shapes that linked together without actually touching and then filled them in, as people are wont to do when bored.

Then tonight, I listened to music for about 4 hours straight. I went through every track I have that brings back memories of being younger. Some of them were depressing, but in that really nice way when you kick back and remember what you were in fuzzy memory vision. I like these the best. Some songs bring back vague memories or times, but the ones where you have distinct pictures really let you live in the past for a while. The only problem with these songs is that they end. If I could make them go on and on until my need to relive times gone by is complete, that would be ace. As it is, I get 4 minute snippets of my past.
Some people have photograph albums, I have a playlist.