17 May 2004

Sun, Sasser and Soft Systems Methodology.

Sat in the Cathedral ruins revising today and I made a new friend. In fact, I made about 15 of them as I was accosted by a group of primary school children who were on a ‘fact finding’ mission of some sorts. It all started when we shouted out the answer to the game of charades they were playing because the little kids were being painfully slow in getting to the right answer – which was ‘Garfield The Movie’ for those who are interested – they then went on to quiz us about who we were, what school we were at, where we came from, what football team we supported and so on. Then when I revealed that I was a Northerner I got the most unexpected of questions “Is it true that northern boys love gravy???”

Hmmm, well I am partial to a bit of chicken and onion so I guess I do.

Had to go home after lunch though as it was too sunny for a whole day in the sun, burning on the first warm day is neither cool nor sophisticated.

Now summer is round the corner I’m guessing the buskers will be out in force. Lets just hope they’re all as good as this guy.

I spent the majority of the past 2 nights trying to fix a computer of the dreaded Sasser Worm. Unfortunately it wouldn’t stay on long enough to download and run the patch to get rid of it. And the computer didn’t have any anti-virus software on it so wouldn’t stay on long enough to download that either. Suffice to say, after scratching my head and finally using a different computer to work out how to get rid of it, I am now two bottles of delicious red wine better off.

That was a truthful but albeit tenuous way to get to my next link. I know it’s only advertising a company but if one day all computers were this sweet to work with then we could relish living with obesity for a little while longer.

(Soft Systems Methodology is what I was revising today, needed another 'S' and it's too hot to be original)