02 May 2004

No links, just confusion.


I saw a guy come out of a newsagent today and hide something inside his copy of the “Daily Sport”. Now as you usually hide your copy of Daily Sport inside something this struck me as odd. What made this even odder is what he hid inside the Daily Sport.
It was porn. ( something Tits, couldn’t make the whole title out, sorry)
Now, along with a feeling of oddness, I had another feeling, that of confusion.

Why would you hide porn inside the Daily Sport, and why would you buy the Daily Sport if you were also buying porn. It just doesn’t make sense, it’s like trying to hide your wish to be cool by having a ‘mullet’!

Unless, of course he bought the Daily Sport to actually read it!!!, hah, no way. So this guy must have actually been the kind of bloke that believes he has some sort of standing in society by reading a paper – and I use the term lightly here when referring to the Daily Sport – and didn’t want to tarnish this reputation by openly admitting he bought porn, and so hid it in the offending paper.